Wednesday, February 13, 2008

dog pics!

My training lately has sucked. There's just no other accurate way to describe it. I think it boils to lack of motivation and just plain being busy with life. And of course a new dog certainly plays into that as well. I'm going to try running with her tonight after work though. She does great on a leash when we've been walking, so I think she'll catch onto the running pretty quick. Here's a few more pics. Sorry for the poor quality, can't do much with a cell phone!


Rae said...

Awww! What a cute dog!!! Were you able to find a Dyson? I find myself hoping our vacuum dies so I can have an excuse to buy one, they sound like they would be great!

Ryan said...

Thanks! No, no Dyson we've turned into cheapskates and are waiting for a sale! :)