Sunday, January 13, 2008

Long Run

I'm heading to the park in a couple hours to do my long run for the week. I'm running the 7 mile loop with a friend. His pace is a little we'll see how I do. It should be a good test. I had a few drinks last night, so we're getting a little bit of a late start. Weather wise it should be about perfect though, high around 60 degrees today in DFW. I'll post a long run recap when I get back. Hope everyone had a great weekend.

PS - I'm thinking about doing some trail running this week. I've never really done much trail running..but I think it would be good for my knees and looks like fun. I'm interested in ultras eventually and those are all trail running. I'd love to hear comments from anyone that is a trail runner. What are some of the challenges? Do I need new shoes specifically for trails? Anyone around DFW know of a good spot?


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